E.  Plan Assumptions & Exposures Select a Platform. This should include more than one person, in case the primary person responsible is unavailable, Identifies who is responsible for checking the backups have been performed successfully, how and when they will perform this, Has training for those responsible for performing the backups and for the users who may need to access the backups, Ensures that more than one copy of the backup exists and that it is not located in same location as the originating data, Ensures that a variety of media are used to backup data, as each media type has its own inherent reliability issues, Ensures the structure of the data being backed up mirrors the originating data, Notes whether or not the data will be archived. F. Change Management Requirements Appendix B – HIPAA Security Rule for Data Backup Plan Plan Introduction Sections with a “Recommended” are recommended and “Optional” are optional. Testing and Revision activities are performed to identify current gaps, inconsistent data, incorrect data, and enhancements for all recovery plans. However, during a test, this may not be probable. To view the specific section of this document, please contact us at Bob@training-hipaa.net or call us at (515) 865-4591. There are several benefits to documenting your data backup policy: Helps clarify the policies, procedures, and responsibilities; Allows you to dictate: where backups are located F.  Recovery Procedures E. Plan Revision (Maintenance) Telecommunications Technical Recovery Disaster Recovery Plan Template Download: This purpose of this DR Plan document is to inventory all of the IT infrastructure and information relevant to the organization in order to develop a detailed plan to restore service and recover in the event of a disaster. The Testing & Revision Policy & Standards document establishes the standard procedures that need to be carried out by each business unit (department) within the organization. This Recovery Plan documents the strategies, personnel, procedures and resources necessary to recover the Server following any type of short or long term disruption. This backup policy template compliments the NCSS’s guide titled “How to Create a Backup Plan” found on our website under How-To-Guides. Appendix C – Event / Disaster Information Never delete revision history. C. Backup Frequency This copy can be kept at employee’s home, in the offsite storage location, another facility, etc. A backup policy helps manage users' expectations and provides specific guidance on the "who, what, when, and how" of the data backup and restore process. Record the description of the change (i.e. E. Regulatory Requirements Telecommunications Recovery Plan documents the strategies, personnel, procedures and resources necessary to recover company’s Telecommunications following any type of short or long term disruption. Test Assumptions Appendix C:  Network Diagrams. A. Azure Storage recovery. Department Notifications Retention standards must be defined and put into action to support business and regulatory requirements. Librarian Outreach Kit Travel to Alternate Location, Restore Application Services Great examples of the 3-2-1 strategy are disk-to-disk-to-tape (D2D2T) and disk-to-disk-to-cloud (D2D2C) solutions. Systems Technical Recovery Application Validation and Synchronization Tasks Scope Backlogged Work, Appendix A – Employee Notification Procedures Regardless of the Recovery Time Objective of the business or technology component, all plans must be documented. Concurrent Processing General Information You also need a data backup solution that follows the industry-accepted 3-2-1 backup approach — store your data in three places, on two types of storage, with one copy stored off-site. Administrative Team 2. Database Backup. D. Plan Testing (Exercises) Assumptions Media Policy, Definition of a Disaster Allocate responsibilities to designated personnel and provide guidance for recovering during prolong periods of interruption to normal operations. Plan Strategy Appendix F – Recovery Status Report C.  Database Profile All departments must utilize this methodology to conduct testing activities on completed contingency (recovery) plans, facilities, and work-area relocation. The sample IT disaster recovery plan that you can download on our website outlines a clear and detailed description of what the IT staff should do in case of certain contingencies (outages of services or systems). E.  Functional Testing C.  Ownership Roles & Responsibilities Applicability If you have made careful evaluations, you … : updated contact information.). Plan Maintenance E.  Team Members & Responsibilities Allocate responsibilities to designated personnel and provide guidance for recovering the network during prolong periods of interruption to normal operations. Appendix E – Alternate Site Authorization Form Application & System Recovery Weekly Full Backups Data Backup Requirements, Backup Processing ACCOUNTABILITY Offsite Storage Team, Employee Contact Information Applicability H.  Plan Certification, Appendix A – Business Resumption Planning Standard C.  Scope & Objectives The following objectives have been established for this plan: Telecommunication Specifications As you plan your backup and recovery strategy, consider the following recommendations to help you decrease the effect of backup and recovery on system performance. The detailed technical recovery procedures for all components are located in the appendix since these recovery plans are modified on a regular basis due to periodic configuration changes of the company’s Technology Environment. Planning a backup strategy If you are inexperienced with backup, restore, and disk imaging, you can review the following advice before you start backing up systems. What is DataONE - It is the foundation of new innovative environmental science through a distributed framework, DataONE Welcomes the Groupe de Recherche Interuniversitaire en Limnologie (GRIL) to the Network, DataONE Executive Director Rebecca Koskela to become Executive Director of the EarthCube Office, Create, manage, and document your data storage system, Define roles and assign responsibilities for data management, Identify suitable repositories for the data, Plan data management early in your project, http://website.aub.edu.lb/it/policies/Pages/data-backup.aspx, http://dept.wofford.edu/it/Data%20Backup%20Policy.pdf, Helps clarify the policies, procedures, and responsibilities, who can access backups and how they can be contacted, what hardware and software are recommended for performing backups, Identifies any other policies or procedures that may already exist (such as contingency plans) or which ones may supersede the policy, Has a well-defined schedule for performing backups, Identifies who is responsible for performing the backups and their contact information. The backup plan template. Document any exercises (tests) that have been conducted using this plan. In addition, if a backup policy is in place, anyone new to the project or office can be given the documentation which will help inform them and provide guidance. Identify what Chapter, Section, and Page that was updated. Appendix D – Record Log This strategy entails the maintenance of a fully mirrored duplicate site which will enable instantaneous switching between the live site (headquarters) and the backup site. F.  Contact Lists You’ll find space to outline everything from recovery plans to backup procedures, and even disaster site rebuilding and relocation plans. oit2013-wksht-plan-backup.xlsx. Disaster Declaration Criteria, Scope of This Plan C.  Tabletop Testing B. Appendix B:  Vendor Contact List. Assumptions Corporate (applies to every department within the company) Step 1 – Inventory of Data Assets. A backup strategy or backup policy is essentially a set of procedures that you prepare and implement to protect your important digital content from hard drive failures, virus attacks and other events or disasters. There are many elements to cloud-based backups, and different strategies to take, so it's important … Concurrent Processing This worksheet helps you plan to back up and restore a SharePoint environment. Furthermore, with continual changes to the daily business processing activities and operations, personnel, resources, and vital documents such as the detailed individual Business Resumption Plans for each department will be updated on a regular basis to ensure changes in the business processing (operations) environment are reflected in the detailed Business Resumption Procedures. File Verification Tasks This template offers a simple yet comprehensive recovery plan for small businesses when a disaster or emergency situation interrupts typical activity. Management Team You will tailor the retention period to your organization's needs. Data Backup Plan Template Purpose. It is not only the plan, but also the check-list of what has to be done at each stage of backup and recovery procedure. F.  Recovery Procedures Appendix C– HIPAA Security Rule for Device & Media Controls. System Validation Those sections marked with a “Required” are sections that are required to be completed. Definition of A Disaster B. To see our new design and keep up to date with the latest DataONE news, visit our new website at https://dataone.org, Investigator Toolkit Contractual Agreement for Recovery Services, Management Team H.  Alternate Locations In this way, each file is backed up in two locations. G.  Contact Lists Plan Information Network Requirements The purpose of the Data Backup Plan is to establish and implement procedures to create and maintain retrievable exact copies of electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) and related technology components that are necessary for recovery activities. This main document contains the non-business unit activities that need to be completed in support of Emergency Mode Operations procedures. The backup plan should include all types of RDBMSs within the enterprise and should cover the following areas: Decide what needs to be backed up. Database Requirements Known Exposures, Recovery Strategy Electronic Storage Media C.  Alternate Recovery Locations The following are features to aim for when designing your backup strategy : Lets take a closer look at simple principles you need to keep in mind when creating a backup strategy for your dataset. General Information D. Audit Responsibility Cloud-based backup is an increasingly popular strategy for backing up data that involves sending a copy of the data over an internet connection to an off-site server.. Plan Exercise C.  Ownership Roles & Responsibilities, A. A. B. All departments must utilize this methodology to identify current risks and threats to the business and implement measures to eliminate or reduce those potential risks. Backup architecture design is about meeting the business goals of the organization using the least resources possible. H.  Alternate Locations It provides guidance and tips for you to consider before setting up a backup regime with the aim of rapid restoration or even disaster recovery. G.  New Project Requirements Daily Incremental Backups Offsite Storage Team, Employee Contact Information E.  Audits Appendix B – Notification Log (Call Tree, Walkthrough, Table Top, etc. No one wants to lose hard work, time, or orders because of a technical problem with their server or computer, an accidental deletion, or because of malware, defacing, or hacking. Applications & Systems Restoration of Normal Operations, A. At the beginning of your backup cycle, you perform two complete dumps, first to tape A, and then on the following day, to tape B. D.  Component Testing You can develop a custom backup process for Azure Storage or use one of many third-party backup tools. This policy template focuses on codifying your backup strategy. For any disaster recovery plan, these three elements should be addressed. Test Type & Elements ACCOUNTABILITY It is imperative that the DBA be aware of database and related OS and application components that need to be backed up, whether via an online backup or an offline cold backup… Alternate Site Team The Disaster Recovery template suite can help in complying with requirements of HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), FISMA and ISO 27002. The strategy chosen is for a fully mirrored recovery site at the company’s offices in . Approval, A. who will participate in the recovery process. C.  Telecommunication Profile Plan Deactivation, Appendix A:  Employee Contact List Software Tools Document all revisions, deletions, additions, etc. I. B.  Walkthroughs / Orientations P. Approval, A. Appendix C – Event / Disaster Information Like Accounting, Human resources etc, Data Backup Plan Development Guide (11 pages), Application Recovery Plan Development Guide (18 pages), Example Application Recovery Plan (23 pages), Database Recovery Plan Development Guide (16 pages), Network Recovery Plan Development Guide (15 pages), Disaster Recovery Plan Development Guide (17 pages), Example Disaster Recovery Plan (38 pages), Server Recovery Plan Development Guide (15 pages), Telecom Recovery Plan Development Guide (17 pages), Emergency Mode Operations Plan Development Guide (11 pages), Emergency Mode Operation Planning Standards (38 pages), Business Resumption Plan Development Guide (14 pages), Example Accounting Business Resumption Plan (42 pages), Example BIOMED Business Resumption Plan (37 pages), Example Corporate Communication Business Resumption Plan (38 pages), Example Emergency Services Business Resumption Plan (37 pages), Example Facilities & Security Business Resumption Plan (38 pages), Example Human Resources Business Resumption Plan (38 pages), Example Laboratory Business Resumption Plan (38 pages), Example Materials Management Business Resumption Plan (38 pages), Example Surgery Business Resumption Plan (36 pages), Example Pharmacy Business Resumption Plan (37 pages), Business Unit Test Plan Development Guide (10 pages), Technology Test Plan Development Guide (10 pages), Example Business Unit Test Plan (14 pages), Business Unit Plan Audit Checklist (16 pages), Application Plan Audit Checklist (7 pages), Plan Audit Final Report Template (1 pages), Example Business Unit Plan Audit Checklist (6 pages), Example Audit Notification Memo (1 pages), Example Plan Audit Final Report (2 pages), Example Plan Audit Follow-Up Memo (1 pages), Emergency Mode Operation Plan Standards (14 pages), Business Resumption Planning Standards (20 pages), Instructions on how to update all standards(3 pages), To provide a standard operating procedure for backup up organization data, To provide a standard for labeling backup media, To provide a standard for offsite storage and retrieval of backup media. Use of this Plan, Network Specifications II. Rating each task shows areas where the test team did extremely well and areas requiring attention. Appendix I – Employee Tracking Form. Coffeehouse, Search for Data Appendix I – Employee Tracking Form C.  Server Profile Once your backup system is in place, test it, both to check … Define the activities, procedures, and essential resources required to perform network recovery during prolonged periods of disruption to normal operations. Disclaimer: Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. B. This Recovery Plan documents the strategies, personnel, procedures and resources necessary to recover the network following any type of short or long term disruption. G. Test Reporting Process Department Recovery Strategy & RTO F.  Recovery Procedures Vendor Notification Plan Deactivation. Scope Appendix F – Recover Status Report Saving PDF files T o save a PDF on your workstation for viewing or printing: 1. Furthermore, with continual changes to the hardware, network, and operating systems (OS), technical documents such as the detailed individual DR Plans for this environment will be updated on a regular basis to ensure changes in hardware and operating systems are reflected in the technical DR Procedures. Plan Introduction General Information Practical Steps to a Comprehensive Backup Strategy – With Template Link Each member shall have in possession an electronic copy or printed plan that is not located at the work site. Best Practices By documenting recovery plans, critical business processes and the resources required to continue and/or resume those process are identified. Unit Backup Procedures Template B. Test Type & Elements F.  Disaster Declaration Procedures H. Data Backup Testing ), Record the results of the exercise. H.  Alternate Locations Email - Bob@training-hipaa.net Plan Introduction Each day you perform an incremental dump, alternating tapes A and B. Appendix C:  Backup Job Log To provide our members a template that can be modified for your company’s use in developing a Data Backup Policy. Units may use this template as a starting point for developing those procedures. III. Calendar H.  Plan Certification, A. Right-click the PDF link in your br owser . (If you need helping creating one, use this disaster recovery plan template.) The Data Backup Policy document establishes the activities that need to be carried out by each Business Unit, Technology Unit, and Corporate Units (departments) within the organization. It is advisable to create the disaster plan based on worse case scenario. The storage location is another point that is important for the strategy. IV. General Information Prosper, TX 75078 This Recovery Plan documents the strategies, personnel, procedures and resources necessary to recover the Database following any type of short or long term disruption. G.  Contact Lists Recovery plan for hot site An alternate hot site plan should provide for an alternative (backup) site. Appendix G – Disaster Recovery Report Recovery plan for mobile site This topic provides information about how to plan your recovery task at a mobile site. Server Requirements Since SQL Server 2005 this extension is changed to .sql . Original or New Site Restoration Plan Distribution T o view or download the PDF version of this document, select Planning a backup and r ecovery strategy . Objectives Network Technical Recovery F. Data Backup Requirements Business Processes, Activate Team Members TERMINOLOGY      Naturally, any type of data backup is better than no backups at all. Retention Cycle C. Audit Process Restoration of Normal Operations, V. TELECOMMUNICATIONS RECOVERY PLAN STANDARDS, A. Date Published: 7/16/2012. H. Testing & Revision Frequency The following objectives have been established for this plan: Purpose Other Emergency Contact Numbers (Local EMS, Fire, Police, Etc), Critical Business Processes Create a custom backup strategy. It is undertaken to meet strategic goals which have real business benefit – and real costs if ignored. F.  Business Unit Test Modules (Plans) Backup Architecture Strategy Template. Plan Introduction Collecting information about backing data up before it is needed helps prevent problems and delays that may be encountered when a user needs data from a backup. Leverage Testing. Applicability Creating a good backup strategy is almost impossible without knowing the unique risks to your business. Key business processes and the agreed backup strategy for each are listed below. Telecommunications Recovery E. Test Types I. Use Of This Plan, Application Specifications that have been made to this document. Determining your strategy. So the very first step should be developing a disaster recovery plan, consisting of a thorough risk assessment and business impact analysis. G.  Alternate Locations Frequency Restoration of Normal Operations, A. Acknowledgement: This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Numbers 0830944 and 1430508. D.  Plan Activation Procedures Tape Drive Cleaning COMPLIANCE, A. Administrative Team All backup routines must balance expense and effort against risk. 4261 E University Dr, 30-164, B. This main document contains the non-technical activities that need to be completed in support of Disaster Recovery operations. Record services, content databases, and web applications that you use on farms so that you can make sure to … Vendor Notification Simple Data Backup Strategy | SafeBACKUP Plan Appendix E – Alternate Site Authorization Form Assumptions ). General Information ENDORSEMENT, A. So, what’s the right way to plan out your backup strategy for small business? Daily Replication of Data, Scheduling and Backup Media Rotation Restoration of Normal Operations, A. You can store your backups in Azure or on-premises, depending on your business requirements and governance regulations. Application Technical Recovery E. Data Backup Types Planning a SQL Server database backup and restore strategy is essential for any production-like database. Phone - 515-865-4591. Features of a Good Backup Strategy. F. Audit Frequency In addition, all departments will be responsible for the annual review and maintenance of recovery plans. Department Notifications, Department Overview Backup Tape Testing, Data Backup Vendor Appendix B:  Vendor Contact List E.  Team Members & Responsibilities Concurrent Processing C.  Application Profile Scope Restoration Procedures Purpose Restoration of Normal Operations. Appendix A – Employee Notification Procedures E.  Team Members & Responsibilities Retention of Media D.  Plan Activation Procedures Output (Receivers) Dependencies on Applications / Systems File Size: 14 KB. In any business or organization, it is essential to have a backup plan in the event of a disaster which may happen at any time. Plan Introduction Staff Shift Schedule, Notification & Activation Team The following objectives have been established for this plan: Purpose G.  Contact Lists B. To make this plan functional, each member of the business unit (department) must be trained in their respective recovery responsibilities, overall company emergency management procedures (Crisis Management) and Disaster Recovery (Technology) Plans. REVISION HISTORY F.  Provider Expectations, Appendix A – Data Backup Plan Standards Appendix D – Record Log If the frequency of the database backup is higher, more storage is needed, which therefore brings in some budgetary constraints on just how practical it is to backup more frequently. Restoration Procedures Specifications & Location Of Offsite Facility E.  Team Members & Responsibilities The objective of this plan is to document critical resources and personnel requirements to protect the company if all or parts of its operations or computer services are interrupted by an outage or disruptive event. Scope DataONE is a collaboration among many partner organizations, and is funded by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) under a Cooperative Agreement. In implementing this strategy, you actually create two complete sets of backup tapes, A and B. SIGN UP FOR THE COMMUNITY MAILING LIST CONTACT US SITE MAP PRIVACY POLICY. Assumptions Appendix H – Travel Accommodations Request Form H.  Alternate Locations Appendix B – Notification Log The goal of this document is to identify the sections of the plan to perform, additional tasks required for testing and those tasks in the plan that cannot be completed because this is a test. B. The Template Explorer is a collection of folders that contains the templates based on category (e.g. All your documents should remain confidential to your company. Plan for performance when designing your SharePoint backup and recovery strategy. D. Testing Process I. Purpose This log should be kept with the document at all times. Backup and Recovery Template The UF Backup and Recovery Policy requires units to maintain written procedures for backup and recovery operations. Appendix H – Travel Accommodations Request Form Input (Feeders) Dependencies on Applications / Systems The Oracle suggested backup strategy is a scheduled disk backup strategy that protects your data and provides efficient recoverability to any point in the user-specified recovery window (time period). This includes... Link I. 1. These templates can be obtained from the . The fundamental goal of Contingency Plan Testing is to carry out all the steps documented in the contingency plan. C.  Network Profile G.  Contact Lists Data Management Planning Software Tools Catalog, Publications Process Dependencies Telecommunication Requirements. Process Recovery Procedures, Work-Area Restore Procedures Responsibilities The purpose of the Data Backup Plan is to establish and implement procedures to create and maintain retrievable exact copies of electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) and related technology components that are necessary for recovery activities. D.  Recovery Strategy The Contingency Planning Policy document establishes the activities that need to be carried out by each Business Unit, Technology Unit, and Corporate Units (departments) within the organization. D.  Plan Activation Procedures Make certain coordination with other staff is conducted. Backup and Backup Retention Policy Template CIOs and IT Managers need to consider mandated compliance requirements - meets mandated compliance, ISO, and EU privacy requirements Updated with WFH Backup Strategy - Includes Best Practices for Backup, Cloud Backup and Mobile Device Backup and includes 3 electronic forms Appendix D:  Tape Cleaning Log. Recovery Site Information, I. I’ve written (and will reference here) a bunch of articles over the past two years about the various hows and whys of backups. D.  Plan Activation Procedures The following required and/or recommended information inputs should be completed using the full electronic version of the Disaster Recovery Plan Template and the Technology Components Recovery Plan Templates. Appendix B – Disaster Recovery Planning Standard (All Technology Plans). Leverage Testing, Plan Information F.  Recovery Procedures Executive Summary COMPLIANCE         Scope Appendix G – Business Recovery Report The following objectives have been established for this plan: Server Specifications Test Scenario G.  Plan Distribution B. E. Audit Reporting Process F.  Plan Auditing (Reviews) H.  Alternate Locations This Recovery Plan documents the strategies, personnel, procedures and resources necessary to recover the Application following any type of short or long term disruption. Security of Facility & Data I. Backup and storage are complimentary to each other. At its most basic level, a data backup plan specifies the overall backup process, what gets backed up, what technologies and storage resources are used, what steps are taken if data is not successfully backed up, plus other items like testing backup procedures, and reviewing and updating the plan.. Business Unit Recovery Strategy, Notification & Activation Team The following sections contain contact numbers, contact personnel, activation and notification procedures, an overview of recovery teams, vendor contact information and recovery locations. Identify the type of exercise that was conducted. A data asset is anything that’s digital and that has value to you. There are several benefits to documenting your data backup policy: If this information is located in one place, it makes it easier for anyone needing the information to access it. Server Requirements, Original or New Site Restoration The Test Plan permits a plan to be tailored for testing without modifying the actual contingency plan. This is why you as a business owner or an owner of a company should know everything there is to know about disaster recovery plans and making a disaster recovery plan template. Department Notifications To buy individual template packages, visit following links: Disaster Recovery Plan templates and Samples, Supremus Group LLC F.  Recovery Procedures Maximize the value of contingency planning by establishing recovery plans that consist of the following phases: Define the activities, procedures, and essential resources required to perform processing requirements during prolonged periods of disruption to normal operations. E.  Recovery Teams Planning assures the contingency of the business or technology unit, operations, and overall company operations and assures the timely and orderly restoration of business processes in the event the existing business environment is unavailable. However, different backup strategies vary by safety, time spent and monetary cost. In addition, rating the tasks aids in ranking the overall objectives and in turn, the success of the test. This will allow researchers to be able to restore the server to any point in time within the last 7 years. TERMINOLOGY      G.  Contact Lists Under Grant Numbers 0830944 and 1430508 ( backup ) site the backup with documentation then... Aim for when designing your backup strategy and r ecovery strategy, additions,.! Record the version of this document, select planning a backup and recovery requires. Methodology to conduct testing activities that backup strategy template to be completed contacts, like vendors,,! 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