Compare Backblaze vs Code42 (formerly CrashPlan). When it comes to user-friendliness, they both provide “Set it and leave it” automated backups. As mentioned earlier, CrashPlan doesn’t have a courier service at all. This service will cost you $99 for restores smaller than 128GB, which will be loaded onto a USB device, and $189 for restores up to 4TB in size, which will instead come in the form of an external drive. When you launch Backblaze, you don’t need to tweak any settings. Luckily, online backup services … This article applies to Code42 cloud environments. Privacy rests on many of the same criteria as security does. In an email to users, Code42 explains that these newly announced file exclusions to CrashPlan for Small Business are a way to achieve “faster restores, syncs, and backups” – a move that made them similar to their competitor Backblaze… If you are a representative of Backblaze, please consider offering the same data retention Crashplan offers. BackBlaze: no linux client. We are independently owned and the opinions expressed here are our own. I’d prefer to use their service for the reasons you’ve listed. Luckily, both CrashPlan and Backblaze do very well in this area. Backblaze Business Backup provides cloud backup and storage for all of your business needs. Do you know if Blackblaze have datacentre in Australia / New Zealand region? When you come back from vacation, make sure to plug your external drive back in 30 days from after you turn your computer on. Last Updated: Oct 16, 2020. Overview. Ultimately, my decision was influenced by the following two Backblaze features: CrashPlan implemented its core functionality in Java. If you’re interested to see how well it stacks up against these, be sure to check out our Carbonite vs Backblaze and IDrive vs Backblaze comparisons. +1 jpm.lensen 22 augustus 2017 20:00. Later versions of the CrashPlan app had Java bundled and thus didn’t require a separate install. CrashPlan Pro vs. SpiderOak. Backblaze keeps up with all the features offered by Crashplan pretty darn closely, as you’ll shortly see. It offers unlimited backup storage for multiple devices. CrashPlan lets you customize this in great detail, allowing for unlimited retention of deleted files and old versions of files that have been changed. They also collect some anonymized data, such as your IP address, hardware signatures and usage statistics. The reason I wanted to stay with CrashPlan is CP keeps your deleted files forever, not just 30 days, and I liked the backup selections better than BB. I currently have a CrashPlan Family Unlimited subscription that costs $149 per year. It is not perfect (only 30 days of versions for example) but hey – it seems reliable so far. In all other cases, I wholeheartedly recommend the backup service from Backblaze. Ease of use is quite often inversely related to the amount of features. CrashPlan Pro does. Backblaze is much faster, but unfortunately, I am unable to recommend for all clients due to the external drive issue. Now a 6-digit code can be sent to your phone during sign-in for an extra layer of security. Business plans allow unlimited users and computers, but significantly less storage per dollar, starting at $99.50 for 250GB. See how CrashPlan data protection stacks up against traditional backup solutions and cloud sync and other backup storage solutions While that doesn’t change my editorial integrity, it helps make this blog happen. That said, CrashPlan also uses servers hosted in the U.S., but because it comes with truly private encryption, this is far less of a problem than it is for Backblaze. Still, CrashPlan manages to be quite a bit faster in both categories (which is surprising because it doesn’t support multithreading). Just wanted to chime and say I’m a long-time CrashPlan user who’s ditching CrashPlan Small Business as soon as I restore all my files locally. ... After that, CrashPlan for Small Business costs $10 per device each month. Sorry here is the link: Backblaze’s Features. I also like their data retention policies. But you know what – my father-in-law ran into the same issue with Time Machine. These days, installing the JRE doesn’t automatically enable its browser add-in, but that hasn’t changed my attitude towards Java. I can’t tell exactly how long it took, but I checked after a few days, and the initial backup had already been completed. We’ve compared Backblaze to various other backup services, as well, including Carbonite (which acquired another cloud company — Mozy — back in 2017) and IDrive. What Im most concerned with is how to get the data back in a timely manner in the event of dead drives. Correct me if I am wrong if you have had any experience in this. We test each product thoroughly and give high marks to only the very best. I’m still trying to decide between the two and this is one of my main concerns as some times I do travel for a month. New: Backblaze has enabled two-factor authentication. Unfortunately, CrashPlan discontinued its so-called seed drive service in 2016. What did you think of our CrashPlan vs Backblaze comparison? The only reason I also use Crashplan is that the default setting is to NEVER delete files that have been backed up, even if I’ve deleted them locally. I started using Backblaze in Sep 2017, published my review a month later and signed up for the affiliate program in Dec. That’s usually how it works with all my reviews. Online backup: We test the best services—from Backblaze to Carbonite, iDrive, Mozy and more We'll help you choose the best online backup service. Yes, I get a 10% commission if someone signs up using my link. On August 22, 2017, I received an email from CrashPlan informing me that the company has decided to exit the consumer market over the next 14 months. Although both services offer subscription plans for business users, Backblaze is primarily focused on providing a simple backup solution for individuals, whereas CrashPlan’s entire focus is on business. While the price wasn’t a major factor, it certainly helped to make the decision. So I checked it out and noticed that they are much less expensive than CrashPlan while offering more features. The big flaw with Backblaze’s security stems from its lack of private encryption. If neither service appeals to you, you may want to look at our list of the best cloud backup and our online storage comparison chart to find some alternatives. Edit to my last post–sorry I meant to ask if download speeds were faster with Backblaze than with Crashplan (not if crashplan was faster). I’ve tested Crashplan and Backblaze for our clients. However, I’m done with CP due to its incredibly SLOW restore function. Besides the subscription cost itself, Backblaze also offers a courier recovery service for an additional fee. He has been using Backblaze for years and liked the service. CrashPlan recently announced that it would exit the consumer backup business. CrashPlan offered two migration options: I have not had any serious issues with CrashPlan and was satisfied with their service. This would be less of a problem if the service hosted its servers in a privacy-friendly country (which is the case for Jottacloud, for example). Unfortunately, it didn’t support backing up data stored on external drives. Instead of choosing the files you want to backup, you’ll need to do it in reverse and list everything you don’t want to backup in the file exclusions list. However, there are two things to note. We have two online services that will allow you to protect your data! Recently however the Crashplan service had started to become very flakey. That concludes our Backblaze vs CrashPlan comparison. Backblaze or Crashplan online backup? After the installation, it automatically selects all the data you may want to back up. The online backup service CrashPlan is no longer available for non-business users. Home » Best Online Backup: Backblaze vs Crashplan vs Carbonite vs Dropbox vs SugarSync vs Crashplan vs SpiderOak etc. Like many others before me, I learned the hard way why backing up data is important. Despite these extra features, we have to give this one to CrashPlan for Small Business, largely due to its superior versioning, more extensive user management and support for hybrid backup. I use both, but Backblaze is by far the faster, less resource-intensive, “just works” solution. Although both online backup services are easy to understand, it was clearly the main focus of Backblaze’s developers; everything about the software is designed with ease of use in mind. CrashPlan offers an incredibly reliable service, and by migrating, you don’t have to re-upload all your data. Luckily, online backup services have come a long way, matured with their standard features and have become affordable anymore. As mentioned, Backblaze does claim to offer private encryption, but the implementation is deeply flawed, which means it can’t really call itself a zero-knowledge service. As a cost comparison, the basic Crashplan Family Plan was $12.50 / month. About ten years ago, I signed up for Carbonite at the recommendation of a good friend. If you’d like to support me, please use my links or buy me coffee. Just putting in my $0.02 here. These tests rarely get close to the theoretical limit of the connection speed itself, and the test was performed from Norway, quite far from the U.S. data centers. It works across both Windows and Mac computers, and is fantastic for corporate/business … Crashplan Versus BackBlaze Intro. As you can see from these results, both services are more than adequate in terms of speed. It simply cannot get more simple (set and forget) and cost effective. Both of our competitors are excellent in this regard, offering support by email and chat, as well as extensive knowledgebases. You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter, if desired. Never bothered about that because I don’t have any external drives that are not permanently connected to my Mac. Both services offer unlimited cloud storage, but each individual license covers only a single device. It exists mostly to facilitate restore operations and to let you change your account settings, but not much else. At the beginning that meant I had to download and install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE). We help small businesses and organizations recover and bounce back faster from any worst-case scenario, whether it is a disaster, simple human error, a stolen laptop, ransomware and more. 15:05. Good point! With CrashPlan, you have to select what files and folders to include in the backup. Backblaze is incredibly easy to set up. Ik overwoog eerder Backblaze, Crashplan, iDrive en pCloud. CrashPlan for Home users were recently notified that their backup service is closing down. Therefore, a more realistic time expectation would be around 10 to 15 minutes for the download and roughly 45 minutes for the upload. Securing all your user data for just $ x /year per computer for unlimited backup. As we mentioned earlier, this service can also save you time and bandwidth on the download side of things by shipping you an external drive containing your data. Here is why…. For enterprise level software and “service” I’m afraid this leaves me cold. It’s a bit cheaper, starting at just $5 per computer per month. But first I’d like to point out that the free version of Backblaze doesn’t provide cloud storage, but does offer local backups to external hard drives (just like Crashplan). We are a professional review site that receives compensation from the companies whose products we review. You can create multiple backup sets that contain different files, and you can then adjust the settings for each of these sets individually. This results in CrashPlan having a much richer feature set than Backblaze, even if the latter still does quite well in this category. Thanks Michael; I am now a crashplan refugee :D The cost of CrashPlan for Small Business is about $10 per month to upload unlimited data to CrashPlan’s servers from one computer (includes external local drives that are directly attached to your computer). When you launch Backblaze, you don’t need to tweak any settings. Because of its excellent response time by email and the additional phone support option, CrashPlan wins this round as well, which leaves us with a final score of 6-2. Backblaze or Crashplan online backup? Any truth/comments on that? Because you want to make sure that your data is protected as quickly as possible after you make a change or create a new file, it’s critical that backup services are as fast as possible. This is even more true for your initial backup, as these often include a huge amount of data that can take a very long time to upload. The latter isn’t important to me because I only backup my iMac and its externally connected drives. I agree with Chris’ comment above regarding unlimited versioning in CrashPlan. Carbonite: expensive. With Backblaze, all data gets encrypted using my encryption key before it leaves my computer. There are no restrictions on how many computers or B2 buckets you can have under a single account, so the only reason to start a Group would be if you need to manage multiple users. CrashPlan Small Business. Or do you think we underestimated Backblaze or missed something that you think makes it the better service? We tested the responsiveness of each service’s customer support by sending them an inquiry by email, and we got good results for both. Neither offers backups for NAS or mobile devices, so there’s not much difference in that regard. After almost a month I am only at 57% upoaded (3TBS). Compare IDrive vs Backblaze. In this article, I will compare Backblaze vs. CrashPlan and share with you why I chose Backblaze for my backup needs. Backblaze helps you protect business data. Re: Travelling Both CrashPlan and Backblaze offer a free online recovery service for your data. Online Storage or Online Backup: What's The Difference? It’s no secret that reliable data backup is a pivotal aspect of any small business or individual computer user nowadays. I’m very disappointed with CrashPlan and advise home office / small biz users like myself to look elsewhere if restore speeds/time is of any value to you. CrashPlan also gives you a lot more information about your backup while it’s running, including what data is currently being uploaded, how much time is left and a proper progress bar. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s difficult to use, but there’s definitely more effort involved in learning where everything is and how to most effectively utilize the backup solution. Luckily, both Backblaze and CrashPlan for Small Business make pricing incredibly simple. The price would (eventually) be double than what I was paying for CrashPlan… CrashPlan for Small Business is a shared service, which means that upload and download speeds depend on the number of users connected at any given point. Backblaze’s 2 year plan is the equivalent of $3.96 / computer / month. Code42 app users are sometimes confused by the fact that the backup rate they see from the Code42 app is significantly different from the bandwidth they receive from their Internet Service Provider (ISP). CrashPlan® for Small Business provides peace of mind through easy-to-use, automatic data loss protection. Cloud-based backup solution that enables businesses of all sizes to automatically restore and protect business data through emails and manage upload speeds, enabling quick backups. Although it claims to provide private encryption, the fact that you have to upload your encryption key to restore your files makes its implementation incredibly flawed. CrashPlan® for Small Business provides peace of mind through easy-to-use, automatic data loss protection. That discount will run out some months from now, but in the meantime, I really like the plan: I get … Hope someone can confirm this and they sort these two issues out. Its low monthly cost and unlimited storage makes it one of the cheapest cloud storage options out there. Also, just in the interest of transparency, do you get anything from Backblaze for recommending them or including the discount coupon? I very much dislike Java and prefer not to have it installed on my Mac. Backblaze continues to be our preferred provider of online backup for both consumer and personal. This would be the easiest option since I already have and know CrashPlan and my data is already there. Like most backup providers, they both collect various metadata on users, including your name, email address, physical address and billing information. Anyone know if download speeds are faster with crashplan? With other clients, external hard drive data is simply archived/unchanging for months or perhaps even years. In the search for a viable alternative, I stumbled across Backblaze. I stayed at CrashPlan for this reason. Effective August 22, 2017, Code42 will no longer offer new – or renew – CrashPlan for Home subscriptions, and we will begin to sunset the product over several months. For families with 3 computers or less, Backblaze is more affordable. CrashPlan service is same price as Backblaze service. Not a massive change as a monthly business cost but still something to be aware of. Since then, the app crashes every 2 minutes and tech support has not been able to sort it out. Because of all this, CrashPlan easily wins this round, regaining its lead once again as the score comes to 3-2 in its favor before we proceed to the sixth round focused on security. When it comes to restoration of data, Crashplan lets you do it from both desktop application and through the web app, but it limits the size to 500 MB while Backblaze will only let you restore thr… Both are excellent. On both counts, CrashPlan Pro is the clear winner. Backblaze will delete your external drive backups if you don’t attach them every 30 days. If you evaluate CrashPlan for Small Business vs. other types of data protection solutions and providers, you’ll see why more than 50,000 businesses trust us with their data. 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