... others of which will make you crumble from negativity and pessimism. Doesn’t matter which vehicle you choose, so long as you’re doing some kind of intention-setting on a daily basis. You are in control. However, things happen for a reason. You can create your own reality. You will soon discover your own inner power to consciously create your reality. And if the interpretation itself doesn’t propel you forward or wear away at you, the soon-to-follow self-fulfilling prophecy will surely do so. Expectancy. Many times, we think we are consciously thinking, but we are not because our thought is not yet aligned with our beliefs and emotions. The phrase, “you create your own reality” has been part of the Western vernacular for at least several decades now. We must not be so quick to blame an external factor for our … We create our reality absolutely, and we do so through our thoughts and feelings based upon our beliefs, our choices, our desires, our imagination, and our expectations. Your reality of the ease or difficulty in achieving your financial goals has also changed as a result. Make sure that your appearance is top-notch and you … The greatest revolution of our generation is the … Step 2: Express gratitude – be grateful as if you already experienced what you desire. What you imagine, you create.” You need to really assess the beliefs and emotions you have around your desires. on Amazon.com. Your positive conscious and directed thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are what allow you to successfully achieve a goal or attain what you desire. When you want something and you are unable to achieve it, then your positive thoughts are impacted by negative thoughts, feelings or beliefs. Are you chasing a better version of yourself? If you look through the wrong one, you will get a distorted view of that reality. This distinction is critical, and far too often it’s glossed over, ignored or pushed aside in favour of the far more attractive idea of being completely in control of our reality via our thoughts. You Are the Creator of Your Own Reality. Help someone you love for about the price of a holiday card. The Best Quotes That Remind Us That We Get To Make It Up! Similarly, when things seem to work out for you with minimal effort, it is because internally you are in complete energetic alignment. 's favorite products. You create your reality. Secondly, through whose lens are looking? You may say you want an abundance of money, a successful career, a new relationship, a life of happiness, a peaceful society, and so forth, but do you fully believe that something new is possible? Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without written permission is prohibited. If you are meditating and you imagine and visualize a certain object you want. Do you know who thinks they can create their own reality? Your real power to create what you desire is through your conscious thinking. You cannot doubt your ability to create. But getting active is a result of thoughts, feelings and beliefs. – William James (American philosopher, 1842-1910). This is a very affordable book and great gift to help someone get out of a difficult life situation. The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing their inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives. Instead, believe in who you really are – a powerful and Divine creator of your reality. 2. Your negative uncontrolled thoughts (mind chatter) or negative conditioned beliefs create unwanted experiences or prevent you from achieving your desires. Through [Raana’s] life experience at work and home, she has managed to produce this little gem of a spiritual book, Your Hidden Light. Everything you experience is created by YOU. You participate in creating your reality whether you are aware of it or not. You create your reality. It’s in the way you behave and act that you define who you are and what you experience in life—and the way you behave and act is simply a construction of how you think, feel, and do. Open mobile menu Another problem with this idea that you create your own reality “It does not take into account the fact that the mental environment is completely dominating for most people, to the point … And the sooner you see that, the sooner you can take advantage of the tools available to you to help you take control: your beliefs, your thoughts and your … This is not a theory or a concept; it is a Truth. You Create your Reality! Originally a statement promoted by those with a more progressive perspective on life, the idea behind the phrase is now commonly found everywhere from books, to television, to popular music and in movies. What you do create is your experience of your reality. It does not need to be based in physical reality or shared reality, though, for your own sanity, much of your personal reality should partially cross … When you learn how to consciously create a positive thought with an aligned feeling and belief, you can change any negative circumstance to the positive. More importantly, conscious thoughts are aligned with your heart and have the added power of belief and positive emotion in them. The phrase, “you create your own reality” has been part of the Western vernacular for at least several decades now. Jon Guerrera. However, once you have mastered the technique of observing them, you can direct them. Shop recommended products from You Create Your Reality! Help someone you love for about the price of a holiday card. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Each one of us has the power to create a reality of our choosing, through our thoughts and states of consciousness. Change comes faster once you have broken the momentum of negative past … So, in short: Emotions are the reactions to the thoughts you give attention to. Learn to live and create your own reality rather than living that of others. The Five Most Helpful Messages I Get From Abraham-Hicks, Thoughts On Overcoming Fear And The Work of Byron Katie. The core of the reality that we experience can be divided into three elements: 1. Spend no more than a couple minutes on steps one through three. And it is through this connected energy of all things seen and unseen that you create your reality. Imagine controlling everyday events with ease, touching the divine spark within you, growing emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and becoming the person you … Your thoughts about your reality create your experience of that reality. It shows you how your world is a product of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Learn how to take charge of this psychological process so you can create more of the life you want. You create your own reality and so you can transform your life. Pick something that is possible but not guaranteed like giving a successful presentation, solving a work problem, experience your children getting along, etc. You have profound influence on the world around you. Desire. You will realize that you have the ability to be, do, or experience anything you desire, and the only real work you need to do is to learn HOW to align your inner thoughts, feelings, and beliefs CORRECTLY. Will power. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The way you create your own reality starts with what you believe. The Science Behind “You Get To Make It Up, Our List Of Best Websites for Positive Aging and Retirement. Nobody should feel that they are somehow not in control of their lives in this way. You Create Your Reality With The Power Of Your Thoughts. All of your dominant thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are creating and impacting your reality in both positive and negative ways. By practicing on simple things, you will begin to build up the confidence and belief to create bigger things in your life. While it may be difficult to believe that you create your negative experiences, these are the experiences that teach you about what is within yourself and what new thoughts, desires, or perspectives need to be changed. As Einstein said, "The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a Home When you are completely relaxed and alert, use the following process to bring your desire into your reality. Your point of view that your family is not using the Law of Attraction properly is creating your reality; it is creating your experience of their energy being negative and having the potential to negate your positive energy. Podcast: Play in new window | Download When you realize that you never saw your beliefs in the world, that you only saw events that had no inherent meaning, it becomes clear that you create your beliefs—and, ultimately, reality as you experience it.Thus, everything we say is “out there”—other than what we … You know deep down that you are a vibrational being and that you create your life with the Law of Attraction. Perhaps, you have an idea of what that looks like. How to create your reality may sound strange at first, until you understand its context. Taken from Your Hidden Light. If you want something new, do not let your past experiences control your beliefs. You will come out of your meditation knowing what you have to do to get … Question: through what lens are you looking? Conscious thinking is thinking that is purposeful, positive, and directed by you. Step 1: Set an intention for your day– think it, really feel it in your body, and believe it. Every singular personal reality is valid. Get clear, feel good, be thankful, and then release. 6 Components of Creating Your Own Reality 1. Your thoughts about your reality create your experience of that reality. The world you live in is intelligent and there is a logic and process by which everything happens. The idea you create your own reality is not really tenable without resort to influences from beyond this one world and one life. It is the determination to change the... 2. More concisely, it is the energy of your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs that create all of your external experiences. This alignment of positive thoughts, feelings, and beliefs creates a powerful energetic force within you that connects with all that is unseen to bring into your physical reality that which you desire. Unlock your own reality Consciousness engineering is the process of realising the illusion of reality, and bending your mind and the world around you to create a reality that supports you. They can be your catalyst for self-discovery and growth if you see them for what they really are – your creation. All you need is The Secret, and you too can think your … Well, yes, we got one more factor into the process of creating your reality and this is getting active. If you have been alive for more than twenty years you have heard that you can create your reality through intention setting and manifestation. Many people understand as The Law of Attraction. Your world is not random. I ordered your book today & anxiously await it’s arrival =), Many blessings, love & light Upon realization that you create your own reality with your thoughts, your first attempts at change will usually involve reversing the momentum of previous assumptions. You Create Your Own Reality: Here’s How. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The realization of these truths nullifies any so-called debts from other lives. Thoughts guide emotions and actions. The goal is for you to practice your creative abilities of consciously bringing into your reality that which you desire. For context, what you need to know is that a lot of my friends and family used to describe me as “prideful”. Learn how your comment data is processed. Deep down, you already know this. Before you start your day, find a few minutes to sit quietly with your eyes closed. You know you’re more than your physical body. Weller. Creating Your Reality Up until this moment, you might not have had control over your thoughts. Learn more about You Create Your Reality! These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Whether you are aware or not, you are the creator of your reality and of your own existence, for it develops as a response to the thoughts and emotions that you … This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This strongly influences how you view the world around you, and your place in it. For example, you landed the right job, found the perfect apartment, met a great partner, got a really good deal on something, and so on. Your reality is created by the thoughts you have about your experiences. SMARTLiving365 On Genesis Framework, Website support & services provided by: T.O. I’ll give you a personal example from the time when I went to counseling for the depression I mentioned earlier. You might think things just worked out and you paid little attention to how and why. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. The first spark of the creating process comes from your will power. You are always creating your reality whether you like what you are experiencing or not. There is an energetic and spiritual force that connects everything in this Universe. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 3. Know that you have the ability to change any belief and emotion to your benefit. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. These cookies do not store any personal information. This powerful creative energy that emanates from inside of you, molds and shapes the Universe around you. This intelligent process does not work outside of you. Make the changes to ensure your life is what you desire and how only you intend it to be. It has been hidden from you and has kept you from becoming your most authentic and liberated self. Conscious thoughts need to be confident with a faith that the spiritual forces of the Universe are working on your behalf. Step 4: Follow through on any actions required in your day that are aligned with your intention. Wisdomsdoor & Reality Creator Books reveal the long hidden secrets of creation! The biggest barriers to your desires are fear and doubt. This is what you have been setting out to do in your other lives, in your past existences. These thoughts are your intentions, desires, goals, and ambitions. They don’t want to admit that luck has … They want to take credit for them and feel in control of them. William Eastwood’s best, with a simplicity that guarantees your success. They seem to think they did something “right” to manifest these realities. This is how your thoughts create your reality. If your desires are not manifesting then your inner thoughts, feelings, and emotions are out of alignment. “What you think, you become. Think about a time when something worked out for you with very little effort. Thank you for sharing your beautiful light & offering us a way in which to find our own. It may be ‘little’ but is to the point and extremely relevant for the modern spiritual seeker. Oftentimes, you do not realize that you are energetically negating your desires, but you are. They are whole and confident thoughts and they must be aligned with belief and positive emotion or else they will not manifest. You create your reality. / By Holly Bennett. When we make life difficult we miss the whole point. The basics are that you create your reality with your thoughts. “Life was never meant to be difficult, it was meant to be a wondrous adventure, you trade that ideal for whatever you have because of your complacency, or whenever you … Do not let negative thinking stop the creation of your positive intention. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Kathy Gottberg and SMARTLiving365.com with direction to the original content. Filed under: Meaningful, Rightsized. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Do you believe it in your heart? Bobbi Jo Bennett. This usually happens when we are looking for a change which is different from what we have experienced before. Use consciousness engineering to create a new way of thinking, a new system if you will. The Truth Behind “You Create Your Own Reality”. Imagination. This means you are directly responsible for all positive things that happen in your life, and you are responsible for all the negative experiences in your life. When we make life difficult we miss the whole point. It is always directly connected to you and starts from you. Your external world is not separate from you, but it is directly connected to you. Relax your body and begin to become aware of your thoughts clearing your mind space of unconscious thinking. In other words, you create your own reality. This means you must not doubt your ability to create your desire. You can create the type of world you want to live in. “If you realize that you create your physical reality through your own thoughts and desires, then you have learned the most important aspects of reality. William Eastwood’s best, with a simplicity that guarantees your success. What you feel, you attract. In fact, each one of us does this on a daily basis. This distinction is critical, and far too often it’s glossed over, ignored or pushed aside in favor of the far more attractive idea of being completely in control of our reality via our thoughts. Carry Yourself with Pride. When you start to see the world in this new empowering way, you will see you have so much more power available to you than you may have previously thought. The human brain... 3. Buddha. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Originally a statement promoted by those with a more progressive perspective on life, the idea behind the … But somehow, you don’t seem to be able to create the life you dream about. Because what is actually meant by “you create your reality” is that it’s your point of view that creates your reality. March 27, 2018. Thoughts. The good news is that all thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can be changed, and only you have the power to change what is inside of you. Step 3: Detach from your intention and the outcome of your day. There are unconscious or negative thoughts blocking your positive desires. You Create Your Own Reality Is a Result of Privilege. In the past, you may have inadvertently allowed negative thoughts to run your life. You create your reality by the power of your thoughts. This knowledge can be found in all religions and spiritual teachings if you dig deep enough. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Create Your Reality Quotes Quotes tagged as "create-your-reality" Showing 1-30 of 71 “The closer you come to knowing that you alone create the world of your experience, the more vital it becomes for you to discover just who is doing the creating.” ― Eric Micha'el Leventhal Hold … People with good realities. This is a very affordable book and great gift to help someone get out of a difficult life situation. You must believe it. By Kathy Gottberg. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This means you must not be so quick to blame an external factor for our … you your! Other words, you may have an idea of what that looks like holiday card reality in both and... 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